Saturday, 26 July 2014

Day 155 #100happydays

I sit here in the peace of my holiday flat in Anglesey, happy to have the Menace back with me.  He has been on a PGL holiday and has enjoyed himself, he now wants a street surf and also did "zip wire three times!!" he told me, having said before he went that he would not do it.

However it was a mixed week, I missed him and he missed me and he learnt the dilemma about freedom and also having to be strong with difficult people.  I found the phone call mid week when he told me about the horrible boy, who apparently was mean to pretty much everyone, but made my boy cry by hitting his weakest point and saying "I'm glad your dad died!" very hard to take.  Needless to say, the Menace was moved out of a room with him.  He did enjoy himself, but learning to deal with bullies is a tough one for us all.

I'm proud of him for overcoming his fears of adventure, and also for sticking it out.  (another boy got punched in the mouth, and I get the impression he didn't have anything nice to say to any of them).  I am also proud of myself, for not just driving up there and dealing with it for him, even if I did say to them they needed to keep an eye, and they decided moving them to separate rooms was the answer.

Still, so happy to have him back, and yes he will do it again next year, but hopefully not with that boy.  It is good for him to have that time learning independence, even if I struggle with it.

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